Monday, August 8, 2011

Chicken Little, The Sky is Falling

"Chicken Little" is folktale about a chicken who believes the sky is falling when an acorn falls on his head. There are many versions of the tale but basically Chicken Little, a not too bright chick, retells his story to the other animals including Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey, Cocky Lockey and Ducky Lucky. One of the animals, Foxy Loxy, takes advantage of the hysteria and reinforces the erroneous message that the world is coming to an end. Of course the beliefs that caused the hysteria were based on supposition and ignorance which led to fear and hysteria. Which brings us to FOX News and the messages they repeat.

The Fox and Friends crew spent yesterday morning working tirelessly to reveal the anti-American cultural agenda of the Obama administration. After re-hashing President Obama’s mythical war on Easter, hosts Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and David Briggs set their sites on one of Obama’s most devious allies: Nickelodeon’s Spongebob Squarepants.

In July, the Department of Education invited children from Washington, DC to its “Let’s Read! Let’s Move!” series in which they were “treated to free books” including one from Nickelodeon’s “The Big Green Help” series entitled “Spongebob Goes Green! An Earth-Friendly Adventure.” Carlson saw fit to point out that the books “blamed man for global warming, but they did not tell kids that that is actually a disputed fact. Oops!” Doocy determined, “Clearly, Nickelodeon is pushing a global warming agenda”:

DOOCY: The Department of Education invited a bunch of DC kids in and they had this festivity andthey handed out these particular Nickelodeon books where clearly Nickelodeon is pushing a global warming agenda. While there’s no disputing the fact that the Earth is getting a little warmer, the big question is is it man-made or is it just one of those gigantic, climactic phases we’re going – for a while we’re cold then we get warmer and then we get colder, warmer, which one is it? There’s science on both sides, there a lot of scientists who say it’s this, others who say its that.

BRIGGS: Right. It’s unproven science and again, this is public education system that we all pay our tax dollars for. And the Spongebob book says that its a man-made problem that requires human intervention.

DOOCY: Right, they’re presenting it as fact.

Watch it, courtesy of Media Matters:

The moral of the Chicken Little story depends on version of the story. Where the ending is happy, the moral is not to be a 'Chicken' but to have courage. Where the ending is not positive, the moral is not to believe everything you are told.

The 1943 version of the Chicken Little story by Walt Disney shows Foxy Loxy as cunning villain who uses psychological tactics to control Chicken Little and change the minds of the other animals to his advantage. WATCH:

The moral of the story: Is it FOX News or the FOXY LOXY Show with Doocy Loocy and Briggs P...??

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