Sunday, June 13, 2010


Brodner's Cartoon du Jour: Gasland


Via Mother Jones

The winner of the special Sundance prize for documentaries this year was Gasland, by Josh Fox (airing on HBO June 21). It discusses a kind of drilling called hydraulic fracturing and what a bright idea it is...or isn't. Get a load of this trailer for the film, in which this guy is able to light up his faucet.

Sharp increases in pollution, illness, and death are a big price for this gas. Seems like the same story all over: Killing ourselves chasing down the last drop of fossil fuel.

Now, here's the solution. The people of Samso Island in Denmark decided instead to chase every possible non-fossil-fuel solution to the problem. Today, they produce more energy than they need and sell it at a profit. Two very close dots, very easy to connect. If only we could move the greed machine out of the way.

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