Thursday, March 5, 2009

Somebody's Not Looking at the Big Picture

Paddy at The Political Carnival put this together:

Did Palin's looks hurt the GOP ticket?

Wrapped up nicely by Taegan-
A new study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology -- summarized nicely by Tom Jacobs -- examines whether Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's sex appeal -- "the subject of endless media chatter in the weeks after she joined the ticket -- hindered her ability to make the case she was up for the job."
The bottom line: Participants who were more positive in their assessment of Palin's attractiveness also "rated her far lower in terms of competence, intelligence and capability, and were far less likely to indicate they planned to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket."

The Los Angeles Times: "All of which would seem to suggest that for any hope of success in 2012 or beyond, the 45-year-old governor needs to whack off that hair, pork up a bit and get some cheap, baggy pantsuits over at the Wasilla Wal-mart. And instead of that come-on wink that many thought they liked, she'd do well to develop an uncontrollable facial twitch."
**Yes, it's a fake pic, but it seemed appropriate
Holy Crap!!! Maybe those who found Palin attractive were just smart enough to know that her competence, intelligence and capability was lacking. Putting lipstick on a "pit bull" wouldn't help.

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